Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva represents as


  • Face on head represents the Ganges, the holy river, signifying the flow of scriptural teachings passing wisdom from one generation to the next.
  • Trident represents the three powers of knowledge, desire and implementation.
  • Moon on forehead symbolizes that the Lord is the master of time and is himself timeless.
  • Drum symbolize sound which represents the words of the Vedas, the holy scriptures given by the Lord to guide us through life.
  • Large oval dot on forehead is the third eye of knowledge which, if opened, reduces to ashes the person in its vision. It is a symbol of the Destroyer of evil and ignorance.
  • Serpents on neck signify the ego which once mastered can be worn as an ornaments.
  • Rudraksha beads denote purity. The mala or rosary in the right hand symbolizes concentration.
  • Wearing a tiger skin. Shiva is said to be fearless.
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